Kerala has the lowest poverty rate in the country. According to the NITI Aayog report, the number of poverty rate  in Kerala was 0.70 percent of the total population in 2015-16, but it has come down to 0.55 percent in 2019-21. The report based on 12 indicators such as Health, education and Standard of living. According to central norms the report shows there are no poor in Ernakulam district but In Wayanad district, 2.82 percent of the population is poor.

Health sector indicators are nutritional availability, maternal and child mortality rates, and maternal health.The education sector measures average years of schooling and school attendance. Standerd of life was assessed based on cooking fuel, drinking water, sanitation, housing, electricity, assets and bank accounts. Beside Food availability Clothing, housing, education, health, access to services, basic facilities, basic wages, and employability became indicators for calculating poverty. The report is based on 4th and 5th National Family Health Surveys.

Kerala Implementing new activities in the state to achieve the declared goal of remove extreme poverty in 5 years.Land Reforms, Education,Health, Pension schemes , Decentralised Planning , Public Distribution System, kudumbasree , Nava kerala mission has played an effective role in reducing the level of poverty in the rural and urban areas with thelp of  local self-government bodies. Kerala government run a special campaign from 2021 to identify the extreme poverty people and prepare survival plans for them.