Chief Minister, Shri Pinarayi Vijayan today announced that an amount of Rs 39 crores have been disbursed through NORKA to 78,000 expatriates who lost their jobs and returned to Kerala.
So far 10,05,211 people have returned to Kerala. Of these, 62.16% (6,24,826) were domestic travellers and the rest 3,80,385 (37.84%) were international travellers. The highest number of 1,91,332 international travellers came from the UAE accounting for 50.29% of the total international passengers. This was followed by 59,329 from Saudi Arabia and 37,078 from Qatar.
About 59.67% of domestic travellers came to Kerala from the Red Zone districts in different parts of the country. The highest number of 1,83,034 domestic passengers came from Karnataka followed by 1,67,881 from Tamil Nadu and 71,690 from Maharashtra.